
Here is what I help my clients with

Server Management & DBA Services

Linux and windows server administration with EC2 or Lightsail, Auto Scaling, (also with providers like Vultr, Digital Ocean, Upcloud etc.).
Serverless code deployment using services like API Gateway, Lambda.
Storage and Backup solutions such as the various S3 tiers, EBS, Amazon Backup,  and other storage and backup solutions.
Create and maintain RDBMS and NoSql solutions on Amazon RDS, ElastiCache, EC2 instances, MongoDB instances/Atlas.

Networking & Security

Networking & Security both have various levels of expertise.
I may not be a cyber security expert but I am a very security conscious person (even in my personal life) which means IAM is something that was important for me to understand in depth very early into my AWS journey.
I am not a network specialist but on top of many years of dealing with various networks in many different scenarios, I’ve built many configurations on AWS infrastructure in recent years including load balancers, VPCs, Security Groups, NAT Gateways, Open VPN Servers.

Docker & Kubernetes

Containers are used for almost everything these days. They provide solutions to the development process on so many levels. They have made the world of developers and DevOps so much easier. Whether you want to incorporate them into your CI/CD operations or dockerise an existing project, I am your man.

Development (API, web pages, scripts)

For many years I held jobs as a web application developer (what you would probably call a full stack developer these days), which for you means I have a rich background in programming, web interfaces, source control solutions (like GitHub, Bitbucket, CodeCommit), CI/CD operations, serverless solutions, container solutions etc.

Migration to the cloud

Do you need to migrate an on-prem solution to the cloud or between cloud providers? I’m here, let me help.

Domain/DNS Management & Content delivery

Domain/DNS management on Route53 but also with providers like CloudFlare, GoDaddy etc.
Content delivery with CloudFront.

Let’s Talk

I am a fast learner and I am a good out of the box thinker. I love a good challenge. Feel like I’m the man for the job or want to hear more?

Use the contact form bellow to contact me